Monday, October 31, 2011

Counting on Frank

"Counting on Frank"

Author & Illustrator:
Rod Clement

Recommended Grade Level:
2nd through 5th grade

Common Core Standards Addressed:
I feel that it addresses the same areas in the Common Core Standards from the 2nd to the 5th grade but at the same time it varies (measurement & data, geometry, operations & algebraic thinking).

The story is about a little boy and his dog Frank, who is curious about the things around him. Each page has a new mathematical task that may be as simple as counting jelly beans to multiplication and division. The pictures are great and the little boy's humor is quite appealing, I'm sure children will enjoy as well as the adult that may have to read it.

4 out of 5

Classroom Ideas:
The great thing about this book is that it provides different activities that can be done in the classroom. There a word problems that I would have older students solve it individually or in groups. With younger children, I would have them guess how big a whale using different units of measurement, guess how many pennies are in a jar, etc.

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