Title: Bunny Money
Author:Rosemary Wells
Recommended Grade Level: 2nd
Common Core Standards Addressed: 2nd Grade
Measurement and Data
8. Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and cents symbols appropriately. Example: If you have 2 dimes and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Summary: Max and Ruby spend so much on on emergencies while shopping for Grandma's birthday presents that they just barely have enough money left for gifts.
Rating: ***** I highly recommend this book as it is child friendly, has many illustrations that help students make mathematical connections. The story relates to a real life mathematical problem using money and children can definitely relate to the topic.
Classroom Ideas: This book has many mathematical ideas that can be used in the classroom such as addition, subtraction, budgeting, and money. I can have the students in my class use a money kit to explain how Max and Ruby's money kept disappearing. Students can add up all the money Max and Ruby spent while out shopping for Grandma's birthday present. Students can also subtract each amount spent during their shopping to keep track of their spending. Students can also add all the spending for Grandma's birthday present and subtract it from how much they spent on miscellaneous items and compare the cost of spending for both.
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