Title: A Remainder of One
Author: Elinor J. Pinczes
Illustrator: Bonnie Mackain
Recommended Grade Level: Pre K - Grade 3
Common Core Mathematics Standards Addressed:
K.CC 4. b. c. 5.
K.CC 4. b. c. 5.
Count to tell the number of objects.
4. Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect
counting to cardinality.
b. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of
objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of
their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
c. Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity
that is one larger.
5. Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things
arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10
things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count
out that many objects.
4. Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect
counting to cardinality.
b. Understand that the last number name said tells the number of
objects counted. The number of objects is the same regardless of
their arrangement or the order in which they were counted.
c. Understand that each successive number name refers to a quantity
that is one larger.
5. Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things
arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as 10
things in a scattered configuration; given a number from 1–20, count
out that many objects.
Summary: Pinczes and MacKain apply numerical division to a practical problem-and explain it in an entertaining, visually emphatic way. The main character, Joe, tries dividing the squadron into symmetrical rows of three, then four and, finally, five, when he is at last accommodated. Rather than endorse conformity, this rhyming tale focuses on Joe's search for a solution. MacKain's blue bugs are large, friendly looking.
Rating: **** From School Library Journal
PreSchool-Grade 3?As they did in One Hundred Hungry Ants (Houghton, 1993), Pinczes and MacKain present a mathematical concept through rhyming text and simple illustrations.
Classroom Ideas: Rhyme is used to punctuate the marching tempo of the text, this book can be used for a read alouds to reinforce counting skills. This can be followed with an activity in which the students are given a set number of counting bears or any other counting item, and asked to arrange them in groups without having any left over. As a follow up writing activity the students could draw representations of their work.
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